Monday 7 April 2014

overview on FS, SXSW. Images by Merrick Ales and Jen Bertrand (

Coronado and Andy printing our posters

Customers at our Booth


Setting up our Impossible Booth at Flatstock

Coronado #3

The Impossible Machine visited Coronado studio from Austin, Texas and witnessed some master printers at work.
For instance: Andy MacDougall from Canada, local printer Jonathan Rebolloso and the amazing Portland artist Gary Houston aka Voodoo Catbox.

We also had a chat with the people from Speedball Inks, the biggest screen printing supplies company in the US, who just developed a new non-chalky black! 
We can't wait to try 'em! 

Music Gear Expo

 Setting up part of the exhibit at Music Gear Expo.

Tour @ industry print shop

 Here we got a tour trough Industry print shop, when we were picking up our merch.


 Tour at Industry print shop.

Picking up our merch at the beautiful Industry print shop.